An innovative, educational learning tool for couples
Why is FACET important?
FACET provides couples a chance to stop in the course of planning a wedding to reflect on their life as a couple, both in the present and in the future after they are married. It can provide engaged couples a much better understanding about themselves and their relationship and point the way to a future of ongoing discovery and marital growth. It is easy to understand and easy to use. It allows them to compare their beliefs, assumptions, and intentions.
Who Can Facilitate FACET?
Anyone who has previously used a pre-marital inventory or who has experience in assisting engaged couples prepare for marriage can be trained to facilitate FACET. This website offers support through a facilitator’s manual containing:
instructions on how to administer FACET
coaching strategies to facilitate the dialogue with the engaged couple
instructional materials for each of the thirteen topics
Who is FACET for?
Any couple contemplating marriage, already engaged, or who has recently been married without having the benefit of some marriage preparation can be invited to use FACET. It is presently offered in English and in Spanish.
What is necessary to administer FACET?
Answer/narrative booklets
For each couple you will need two answer/ narrative booklets
$10.00, set of two | Order Materials
Statement Booklets
Statement booklets can be reused
$5.00 each | Order Materials
FACET Report
Two reports - one surveying all their answers compared to one another’s, the other comparing the answers that differ from each other’s or the preferred answer
$10.00 | Invoiced at time of delivery